Ten Good Reasons to Love Video News Releases

1 year ago 272

10 Reasons to Fall in Love with Video News Release


video press release template are a powerful tool for marketers to get their messages across. They help you gain more media exposure, put the spotlight on your products and services, and make it easier for people to share your news. VNRs are also more interesting than text-only press releases. They make for easy consumption of information without distracting from your message - which means that journalists will be more likely to pick them up!

VNRs are a powerful way to get your message across.

Video is a powerful way to get your message across. It's an engaging form of communication that can be used to explain complex topics, showcase products or services and make personal connections with the audience.

Video news releases are often used as part of an online marketing campaign. When you create a video news release (VNR), you're creating a short video that explains how exactly you'll benefit from doing business together—and why they should choose you over other potential clients or partners.

They help you gain more media exposure.

You can use video news releases to gain more media exposure. They are a great way to get your message across, and they're more likely to be picked up by journalists who want to cover stories about your business.

They also make it easier for people to share your news with others—and in turn, potentially increase the likelihood that more people will hear about the new product or service you offer.

They put the spotlight on your products and services.

video press release structure are a great way to showcase your products and services. They can also be used to promote the company culture, values, and goals of your business. With vNRs in hand, you’ll be able to tell the story of how they were made, where they came from and how they were created. This makes them an excellent tool for building trust with customers who want more information on what makes up their purchase decision or use case solution before purchasing anything at all!

They help you establish thought leadership and market authority.

A video news release can help you establish thought leadership and market authority.

It is a powerful way to communicate your expertise in your field, which makes it easier for people to share your news with their own audiences or contact lists.

They make it easier for people to share your news.

Video news releases are easy to share.

When you're sharing your news with others, it's important that the content is engaging and helpful. Video can be a more effective way of sharing information than text alone because it's more visually appealing and easy for people to understand what they're reading. In fact, studies show that videos receive around 2x as many social media shares as static images do (1). As such, video news releases are an excellent way of distributing your company's message on social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter while also reaching potential customers who may not have visited their website yet but might be interested in learning more about what you offer them!

VNRs are more interesting than text-only press releases.

Video is more engaging than text-only press releases.

Video is more memorable than text-only press releases.

Video is easier to consume and share with your audience, meaning you can reach a wider audience with one message instead of multiple messages (text + images).

VNRs can be used to show product or service in action, which helps differentiate you from other companies that might have similar offerings but don't have the same quality of content or style as yours does.

They make for easy consumption of information without distracting from your message.

video news release distribution are a great way to communicate your message in a visual medium. They can be watched while doing other things, and they're more likely to help someone understand what you're talking about than text-only explanations. Video is also an easy way to explain complex ideas in plain English, because it's easier for people who don't have time or patience for reading long articles online (like us).

Video allows you to show how something works or why it's important; this is especially useful when there are technical details involved—for example, if you're explaining how your product works or what makes it unique.

They can help build trust in your brand.

Video news releases are more trustworthy than text-only press releases.

Video news releases can help build trust in your brand by providing viewers with a more authentic look at what your company is about, as well as allowing them to see how you're living up to the promises of your mission statement. This type of content makes people feel like they know who you are and what values drive you, which can lead them to trust that what they're seeing is authentic and true. In addition to this, video news releases also improve the credibility of a business because they show off its professionalism—something that's hard for businesses with limited budgets or resources (elderly parents who aren't able to drive) often struggle with because they don't have access now days

Video News Releases Are More Credible Than Text Only Press Releases

VNRs give you more credibility over your competitors.

A VNR is more persuasive than text. In fact, studies have shown that people are twice as likely to remember a video than an image or text version of the same information.

A VNR is more credible than text. The sound can be used to enhance the visual message and provide context for what you're saying in your release by providing background information about the subject matter—or even highlighting key points with voiceover narration!

VNRs are more memorable than text because they're visually striking and colorful; plus they contain music elements such as sound effects or background music which makes them fun to watch! And lastly: journalists love videos because they're easy to share on social media platforms like Facebook Live (which has become an important tool for news outlets since its launch).

You can get your message across quickly and clearly.

Video is the most engaging form of media. It’s simple, fast and easy to digest. You can use video to simplify complex topics or explain complicated processes in an entertaining way without having to read through hundreds of pages of text. Video also shows how things work, which is especially useful when you want your audience to understand how something works without having any prior knowledge about it yourself!

Including video with a news release makes it much more likely to be picked up by journalists

If you want your news release to be picked up by journalists, it’s important to include video. Video is more interesting than text and easier for readers to digest on their phones, tablets and computers. Video can also help you tell a story in a visual way that makes it more memorable and memorable. The quality of the video will determine how much attention is paid to it by journalists who are busy hunting down other stories with less time available for perusing through hundreds of news releases each day.

Video also helps establish thought leadership for your brand or product category – something that no amount of text alone can accomplish (unless maybe someone writes about how awesome video is). And finally, if you have written an e-book about something related but not directly tied back into the topic at hand (like "How To Make Money With Your Music"), then using video might be interesting enough for people interested enough in what else they might find inside!


If you’re a business owner or marketing professional, you know that your online presence is important. That’s why it’s so important to get your news out there in an effective and engaging way. video press release distribution can help you do just that! They are easy to create and share, they contain content that will be relevant to many people, and they are more likely than text-only PR materials

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