How to get an NHS Covid Pass on your phone

2 years ago 297

(Pocket-lint) - You mightiness request a Covid walk for immoderate venues, events oregon for travelling purposes. The walk either indicates you are treble vaccinated, oregon it proves you person a antagonistic PCR trial oregon you person recorded a antagonistic lateral travel connected the Government's website wrong the past 48 hours.

If you're wondering however to get a NHS Covid Pass connected your telephone and download a PDF of the pass, you're successful the close spot arsenic we volition locomotion you done it. We besides person a abstracted diagnostic connected however to adhd the walk to your Apple Wallet if you are an iPhone user.

How to get an NHS Covid Pass

You request to beryllium 16 oregon implicit to get an NHS Covid Pass for travel, portion those 18 years and older tin usage a integer NHS Covid Pass for events and venues.

As mentioned, you request to beryllium either treble vaccinated to get an NHS Covid Pass, oregon you request to person recorded a antagonistic effect wrong the past 48 hours. For those opting for vaccination presumption route, you request to person been vaccinated successful England, Wales oregon Isle of Man. Those vaccinated successful Scotland request to unrecorded successful England and beryllium registered with a GP successful England.

You tin usage the main NHS app (different to the way and hint app) to get a Covid Pass, oregon you tin use the NHS website. You'll request an NHS login for both, which you tin setup astatine the time, but the NHS website recommends doing it 2 weeks earlier you request the pass.

To make an NHS login, you volition request your NHS fig and you'll request to participate immoderate accusation astir yourself. For the app, you volition besides request to bash a video to beryllium who you are but it's precise casual and determination is simply a step-by-step. After you person created the NHS login and it's been certfied, you volition beryllium capable to usage 1 username and password to entree the NHS app and website. You'll request to unrecorded successful England and beryllium registered with a GP successful England to usage it.

To get an NHS Covid Pass, download a PDF transcript oregon get it done email: 

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  1. Open the NHS app oregon website
  2. Login successful with your NHS login
  3. Tap connected Get NHS Covid Pass
  4. Select Travel oregon Domestic
  5. Swipe up to spot much options
  6. Select Download PDF transcript and take wherever to prevention oregon share
  7. Select Receive an offline transcript by email, pat corroborate and send 

How agelong is simply a integer NHS Covid Pass valid?

If you are treble vaccinated, the NHS Covid Pass is valid for 30 days. After the 30 days, you volition request to refresh the walk and redownload a PDF copy, resend to your email oregon re-add it to your Apple Wallet.

If you person registered a antagonistic PCR trial oregon lateral travel test, the NHS Covid Pass is valid for 48 hours aft the antagonistic result.

If you person a postive PCR test, the NHS Covid Pass is valid for 30 days. This 30 time play volition refresh everytime you log successful though, up to 180 days aft the affirmative result.

Anything other you request to know?

It's worthy checking the expiry day connected the PDF of your NHS Covid Pass earlier you usage it.

If you're afloat vaccinated oregon person had a affirmative trial result, the barcode connected the NHS Covid Pass PDF is valid for 30 days.

The NHS App mightiness inquire you to corroborate your telephone fig erstwhile you log in. If you bash not corroborate it, your NHS Covid Pass volition beryllium valid for 72 hours.

You tin head to the NHS website for much information.

Writing by Britta O'Boyle. Originally published connected 9 December 2021.

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