Buzzwords, De-buzzed: 10 Other Ways to Create Press Release Format

1 year ago 340


The press release is a powerful tool in the hands of those who know how to use it. It can help you build up your brand, get more eyes on your content, or even help you land an interview with someone who has authority over your topic. But even if you're already familiar with what makes a good press release format, there are still ways to make yours stand out from others' work—and sometimes that's all about changing up just one word or phrase. We've compiled this list of 10 other ways that could improve the way you write up your next PR piece:

1. Announce

An announcement is a formal announcement of news, such as an event or product launch. It can also be used to announce any sort of breaking news that you think would interest your audience and drive traffic to your website.

Announcements should always have the word "announcement" in them, because that's what they are!

2. Relevant Quote

A quote is a powerful way to grab the attention of journalists. It's also an opportunity for you to add some personality and inject some humor into your release. The right quote can help make the press release sample more interesting by providing an insight into who you are as a person, or what makes your business unique.

The issue with using quotes in press releases is that they have to be relevant for each publication—and this can make them hard to write about effectively! In fact, sometimes it's better not to use any quotes at all; instead just include text from previous articles written by others about similar subjects (or something similar).

A lot of companies do this now too: there are plenty of sites online where people post their own ideas about how things should work in business—so why not take advantage? For example: "We've been working on improving efficiency since last year when we realized that our process needs improvement" would work much better than "Our company has been working on improving efficiency since last year."

3. Meaningful Stats

Statistics are the backbone of any press release. While they should be relevant and meaningful, they also need to be backed up by data. And when it comes to statistics in a media release template, you want them easy to understand.

A good example of this is the number “1” itself: 1 represents that one person wrote this article or published this video/post/blog post; it doesn’t mean there were only one person who wrote it! In fact, research shows that most people don't really understand what "one" means when reading these types of posts (or watching videos). So instead of using vague numbers like "one" or "(a)" from the beginning and then ending up with something confusing at the end because no one knows where those numbers came from (or why), try using real numbers instead!

4. Depth

  • Depth

One of the most important aspects of a media release example is its depth. The more information you provide about your topic, the better chance you have at attracting attention from reporters and reporters' editors who are looking for something new to cover in their publication.

The key here is to give enough detail about what makes your product or service unique and different from other products or services out there that it will stand out from all of those other companies vying for attention via social media channels like Facebook or Twitter (or even email newsletters).

5. Call to Action

A call to action (CTA) is a request for an action. It gives readers an opportunity to take some kind of action, such as clicking on a link or filling out a short form.

It's important to include CTAs because they:

  • Encourage people who read your sample press release template to share it with others and help spread the word about your cause/product/service;

  • Help you gauge how effective your release is at convincing people that it's worth sharing with their friends; and,

  • Help you understand what kind of content works best for each CTA so that you can use this information in future releases

6. Audience Analysis

  • Define the audience. What do you know about your audience? Who are they, and what do they want?

  • Identify their interests. How can you help them achieve their goals with your product or service?

  • Identify their concerns. What obstacles will they face in reaching their goals if they use your product or service?

  • Identify their pain points, or areas of concern where you can provide value (and thus drive sales). This may be as basic as answering a question that's been on someone's mind for months—or it could be something more complex like helping someone overcome an emotional barrier in order to achieve a goal—but whatever it is, make sure that providing value here is one way to get them interested in buying from you rather than another brand!

7. How to Media Call to Action

In order to get the most out of your media release, make sure there's a clear call to action.

There are two ways you can go about doing this:

  • Give readers a reason to act by giving them something they can gain from clicking on your link. For example, if you're offering someone free samples of your product or service, give them an incentive by saying something like "Get $10 off your next purchase" or "Get your first month free." This will make it easier for readers who want more information about what you do and how great it is!

  • Make sure that whoever reads it understands exactly what type of article or story this is going into (and whether there's any other related pieces). If not understood correctly before publication then future editions may not get published at all!

8. Press Page on Website

A press page on your website is a page dedicated to the news release. It's a place where you can link to and share information about your event press release template

, as well as provide an overview of who you are and what you do.

The aim of this type of landing page is for readers who find it through search engines or social media platforms—like Twitter or Facebook—to land immediately on the page so they can learn more about who you are and what makes your company unique.

It should also be easy enough for people who don't know much about social media marketing or SEO (search engine optimization) terms but still want some tips on how best use them in their own campaigns; after all, most people reading these types of articles will not have any prior experience with such techniques!

9. Embeddable Image or Social Media Sensation

Embeddable images allow you to include an image on a website. This can be done by embedding an image onto your own website, or by using an online service that allows you to upload and embed images from other websites.

You can also create a press release example for new product with embedded videos, tweets and Facebook posts. If you have this feature set up in your WordPress Press Release template, then all that is required is adding some code specific to each type of content (video/image) into the right place before publishing the document!

10. Surveys and Polls of Public Opinion

Surveys and polls of public opinion are a good way to include statistics about your audience's demographics, interests, and opinions. You can use this information as a way to highlight how your product or service fits into the world around them.

For example: If you're selling an app that helps people organize their schedule more efficiently, you could ask a few questions about what makes them happy or unhappy with their current scheduling habits. You might find out that some people like having an agenda for each day (or week), while others prefer just checking off items on their list as they go along—and then letting things slide until they have time again! This information can help you customize the app accordingly: maybe it should give users options between these two styles of scheduling; maybe the app itself should have multiple views so users can pick whichever style works best for them based on their needs at any given moment in time


The reality is that everyone has their own unique style of press release writing. However, there are some common features you can use to create a compelling piece that will be seen by many journalists in your industry. Remember, it’s not about being perfect or grammatically correct; it’s about creating an effective communication strategy for your business.

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