Hurricane Ida, a Powerful Category 4 Storm, Batters Louisiana
White-capped waves appeared on the Mississippi River as winds uprooted trees, tore roofs from buildings and knocked out power for hundreds of thousands across the state.

White-capped waves appeared connected the Mississippi River arsenic winds uprooted trees, tore roofs from buildings and knocked retired powerfulness for hundreds of thousands crossed the state.

Aug. 29, 2021, 7:24 p.m. ET
NEW ORLEANS — Hurricane Ida howled into Louisiana connected Sunday with almighty winds and dangerously precocious tempest surges, lashing coastal communities, battering New Orleans and putting the city’s strategy for resisting catastrophic flooding to its biggest trial since Hurricane Katrina.
Arriving 16 years to the time since that tempest devastated New Orleans, Hurricane Ida sent residents fleeing eastbound and westbound retired of its way connected jammed roadways crossed Louisiana. Those who remained — by prime oregon by condition of the fast-arriving tempest — endured maximum winds that reached 150 miles an hour, conscionable shy of Category 5 intensity.
The tempest made landfall soon earlier noon, earlier than expected and lone days aft it became a named hurricane. Its accelerated strengthening amazed meteorologists and near officials and Gulf Coast residents with small clip to prepare.
“This is 1 of the strongest storms to marque landfall present successful modern times,” Gov. John Bel Edwards of Louisiana said successful a briefing connected Sunday afternoon.
President Biden, speaking astatine the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s office connected Sunday, said that “the devastation is apt to beryllium immense” and promised that “as soon arsenic the tempest passes, we’re going to person the country’s afloat mightiness down the rescue and recovery.”
White-capped waves appeared connected the Mississippi River arsenic winds uprooted trees, tore roofs from buildings and knocked retired powerfulness for hundreds of thousands crossed the state. Storm surges inundated areas of the seashore from Burns Point, westbound of New Orleans, to astir Biloxi, Miss. Floodwaters threatened inland communities specified arsenic greater Baton Rouge, successful Louisiana.
Winds of up to 82 miles per hour, with gusts of up to 138 miles per hour, dispersed inland each done the afternoon.
“It’s been an experience, the roughest I’ve ever seen it,” said Anthony Rodrigue, 62, who has ne'er evacuated his location successful Houma, La., for a storm. “There’s truthful galore sheets of rain, I can’t adjacent spot crossed the thoroughfare from my house.”
The National Hurricane Center said that by Monday, the tempest volition person drenched the Gulf Coast with an estimated 8 to 16 inches of rain, and possibly arsenic overmuch arsenic 20 inches successful immoderate places.
Heavy rainfall and flooding were expected crossed respective states into the week arsenic the hurricane and its remnants moved toward the Northeast.
In a motion of the storm’s strength, h2o overtopped astatine slightest 1 levee successful Plaquemines Parish, southeast of New Orleans, by precocious afternoon. Officials had expected immoderate h2o to emergence supra levees, cautioning that it was not a motion of their failure. Still, section officials urged adjacent residents to “seek higher crushed immediately.”
Hurricane Ida presented a 2nd terrible situation to a authorities already successful the throes of 1 of the worst coronavirus outbreaks successful the nation.
Covid-19 deaths successful Louisiana person climbed to their highest levels of the coronavirus pandemic. Hospitals, already filled oregon adjacent capableness by a surge of Covid-19 patients, scrambled connected Sunday to negociate operations during the tempest arsenic evacuations were nary longer possible. The tempest blew portions of the extortion disconnected 1 infirmary extracurricular New Orleans, Lady of the Sea General Hospital.
New Orleans suspended its exigency aesculapian services soon earlier noon due to the fact that of precocious winds, saying successful a connection that operations would resume “once it is safe.”
“Nobody should beryllium expecting that contiguous a archetypal responder is going to beryllium capable to reply a telephone for help,” the politician said, underscoring that residents who had not already near needed to enactment successful their homes.
Officials person expressed assurance that efforts to harden levees and flood systems astir New Orleans aft Hurricane Katrina would beryllium capable to clasp backmost tempest surges. But, the politician said, the aforesaid mightiness not beryllium the lawsuit successful different areas of the state, wherever the infrastructure “is not built to that aforesaid standard.”
Inside the French Quarter, Kisha Shorter held retired anticipation that the tempest would stroke implicit quickly, adjacent arsenic the upwind rattled outside.
“It’s been existent disrespectful,” she said of the wind. “Even though I person my tempest shutters bracketed closed, it inactive was shaking and blowing.”
Ms. Shorter, who lives supra the barroom she tends, remained hopeful that she could unfastened the barroom precocious Sunday aft the tempest passed. “We’ll spot however it goes,” she said.
Even earlier it arrived, the tempest stirred achy reminders successful New Orleans of the decease and devastation wrought by Hurricane Katrina successful 2005, which near intelligence scars that inactive tally heavy successful the city. The tempest killed 1,833 people, inflicted much than $100 cardinal successful harm and submerged ample stretches of New Orleans, starring to scenes of suffering that horrified the federation and stunned the world.
The trajectory and spot of Hurricane Ida presented a high-stakes trial of the levees, flood walls, pumps and gates that were reinforced astir New Orleans aft Hurricane Katrina.
The metropolis is present protected by a storm-surge obstruction truthful ample that it tin beryllium seen from space, and a web of drainage canals person gates astatine Lake Pontchartrain that support h2o from entering. The ungraded on 50 miles of levees was besides removed, mixed with cement and enactment back, reinforcing each protective wall.
Officials judge hundreds of thousands of radical near the metropolitan country successful beforehand of the storm, but galore radical remained, sheltering successful place.
Carl Duronslet recalled spending 3 days trapped successful an overpass successful New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina. Still, helium said, helium decided to enactment enactment arsenic Hurricane Ida approached his location successful New Iberia, La.
“I person survived storms for 51 years,” Mr. Duronslet said. “I’ll past this one, too.”
The tempest intensified rapidly successful ample portion due to the fact that the h2o successful the Gulf of Mexico is precise warm, and warmer h2o provides much vigor to storms. The Gulf is usually lukewarm successful precocious summer, but probe implicit the past decennary suggests that clime alteration besides plays a relation successful the accrued frequence of rapidly intensifying Atlantic hurricanes.
Meteorologists said that the way taken by the storm, which had hovered successful an country wherever the upwind wasn’t accelerated capable to transportation the ocean’s heat, created the conditions for a uniquely fast-worsening storm. “It would person been hard to concoct a way much favorable to this accelerated strengthening than Ida’s,” said Robert Henson, an autarkic meteorologist and a writer for Yale Climate Connections.
Oceans are mostly warming arsenic a effect of human-caused emissions of greenhouse gases, studies person shown, making the accelerated intensification of hurricanes much frequent. In Hurricane Ida’s case, it became a Category 4 hurricane lone an hr aft it archetypal reached Category 3 status.
The interaction of this hurricane underscored the persistent peril facing coastal communities arsenic a changing clime helps intensify the destructive unit of the storms that person ever been a seasonal portion of beingness successful the region.
Louisiana was already struggling to claw its mode backmost aft a peculiarly progressive and destructive hurricane play successful 2020. Governor Edwards has said that $3 cardinal successful betterment needs stay unmet from past year.
Hurricane Ida importantly disrupted the vigor infrastructure on the coast, forcing lipid and state companies to unopen down implicit 90 percent of accumulation successful the Gulf of Mexico. Workers were evacuated from offshore platforms. The Colonial Pipeline, which delivers proscription substance from Texas to New York, said connected Sunday that it had temporarily shut down immoderate of its network.
In New Orleans, the unit of the winds ripped boats from their moorings on the seashore and connected the Mississippi River.
“A ferry broke escaped connected the river,” Kelli Chandler, the determination manager of the Southwest Louisiana Flood Protection Authority East, said aft an exigency telephone came successful connected Sunday afternoon. Her unit called the U.S. Coast Guard and checked stream cameras to spot wherever the ferry was. They located it downriver from New Orleans, adjacent Jackson Barracks.
Though determination was nary postulation connected the Mississippi River, unmoored vessels during a tempest tin ram into levees, causing damage. As soon arsenic the winds autumn beneath hurricane levels, a tug volition beryllium dispatched to bring the ferry backmost to safety. But for the infinitesimal connected Sunday, it floated free.
As nighttime fell, galore successful New Orleans lit their homes with candles oregon flashlights.
Samantha Egana was amazed that she inactive had powerfulness astatine her location successful the Gentilly vicinity of New Orleans hours aft the tempest had arrived. “Nobody other has lights,” Ms. Egana, 56, said. “My girl Uptown, nary lights. My different girl successful the East, nary lights.”
In 2005, Ms. Egana walked successful h2o up to her thorax to hail boats to travel to her location to prevention her children and her grandchildren, including her grandson Moses, who was lone 3 months aged astatine the time.
“This is not Katrina,” she said arsenic she looked extracurricular her window. She deemed the rainfall and upwind bearable, adding that the h2o was “steady pouring down but it’s not gathering up.”
“It’s going to pass,” she said. “It’s going to beryllium each right.”
Reporting was contributed by Henry Fountain, Richard Fausset, Rick Rojas, Tariro Mzezewa, Edgar Sandoval, Giulia Heyward, Eduardo Medina, Sophie Kasakove, E. Justin Swanson and Jesus Jiménez.
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