Biden to Campaign for Newsom in California
The president’s visit will add another volley of national Democratic firepower to the governor’s effort to beat back a Republican-led effort to recall him.

U.S.|Biden to run for Newsom successful California connected Monday.

- Sept. 9, 2021, 1:31 p.m. ET
President Biden volition question to California connected Monday to run for Gov. Gavin Newsom, adding yet different volley of nationalist Democratic firepower to the governor’s effort to bushed backmost a Republican-led effort to callback him.
The president volition look with Mr. Newsom successful Long Beach for a last rally arsenic the callback winds down to a Sept. 14 voting deadline. Vice President Kamala Harris appeared with the politician successful Oakland connected Wednesday and erstwhile President Barack Obama recorded a run advertisement released this week.
Senators Elizabeth Warren and Amy Klobuchar stumped for the politician implicit Labor Day weekend, and Senator Bernie Sanders is featured successful a tv advertisement that has been successful dense circulation passim the state.
Throughout the summer, Mr. Newsom’s allies successful California privately complained that nationalist Democrats were not paying capable attraction to a contention that, though it initially had seemed a agelong shot, has nationwide implications. Just weeks ago, Mr. Newsom appeared to beryllium precariously connected the borderline of being recalled, but polls and ballot returns present suggest helium is pulling ahead.
According to Political Data, Inc., which provides predetermination data, astir a 3rd of the electorate had voted arsenic of Thursday greeting — the effect of pandemic voting rules that sent mail-in ballots to each 22 cardinal progressive and registered voters successful California. More than doubly arsenic galore Democrats person returned their ballots than Republicans truthful acold — though galore Republicans whitethorn beryllium waiting to formed their votes successful person.
The politician has besides struggled to link with the state's ample and increasing corps of Latino voters, galore of whom person said they are ambivalent astir some Mr. Newsom and the Democratic Party. So far, conscionable 20 percent of Latino voters person returned their ballots, compared with 36 percent of achromatic voters.
Mayor Robert Garcia of Long Beach tweeted that helium was looking guardant to welcoming the president and the politician to his metropolis connected Monday. Mr. Garcia is the archetypal Latino and openly cheery antheral to pb the metropolis of astir fractional a cardinal radical and was tapped past twelvemonth to talk to the Democratic National Convention.
Seeking to crook retired the state’s monolithic Democratic basal successful an off-year peculiar election, Mr. Newsom has portrayed the callback effort arsenic 1 led by right-wing extremists seeking to prehend powerfulness successful the nation’s largest wide stronghold. Luminaries successful his campy person included not lone nationally known Democrats, but besides celebrities specified arsenic Katy Perry and George Lopez, who person reached retired connected their societal media accounts.
He has recovered a affluent people successful the starring campaigner to reason him, the blimpish speech vigor big Larry Elder, who has said employers should beryllium capable to inquire women astir their reproductive plans and has vowed to instantly assistance each pandemic mandates if helium is elected governor.
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