Adlai E. Stevenson 3d, Ex-Senator and Scion of Formidable Political Family, Dies at 90
The Illinois Democrat served a decade in the United States Senate but did not rival the success of his forebears.

The Illinois Democrat served a decennary successful the United States Senate but did not rival the occurrence of his forebears.

Sept. 7, 2021Updated 8:21 p.m. ET
Adlai E. Stevenson 3d, a scion of generations of Illinois Democrats, who shared the names and statesmanlike ambitions of his begetter and great-grandfather but not their governmental successes, serving a decennary successful the Senate and losing 2 races for governor, died connected Monday astatine his location successful Chicago. He was 90.
The origin of decease was Lewy assemblage disease, his wife, Nancy Anderson, said connected Tuesday.
In a household with a atrocious lawsuit of hereditary politics, arsenic his begetter erstwhile enactment it, Mr. Stevenson 3d hardly rivaled the archetypal Adlai E. Stevenson, Grover Cleveland’s 1890s vice president, oregon Adlai E. Stevenson 2d, the eloquent Illinois politician (1949-53), who won his party’s statesmanlike nominations successful 1952 and 1956 but mislaid the White House some times to the Republican, Dwight D. Eisenhower.
The 3rd antheral with the storied sanction roseate successful Illinois authorities arsenic a legislator and authorities treasurer successful the 1960s, and successful 1970 — with the advantages of sanction recognition, a estimation for independency and the lukewarm endorsement of the state’s brag of bosses, Mayor Richard J. Daley of Chicago — helium swept a peculiar predetermination to win Senator Everett M. Dirksen, who had died successful office.
“It was ordained astatine commencement that I would spell into a beingness of nationalist service,” Mr. Stevenson said soon aft his election. “The question was ne'er ‘whether’ — it was ever ‘when’ and ‘how.’”
With the federation sharply divided implicit the warfare successful Vietnam, Mr. Stevenson, a wide reformer who had condemned President Lyndon B. Johnson’s Indochina policies and the convulsive constabulary tactics astatine the Democratic National Convention successful Chicago successful 1968, renewed his attacks connected President Richard M. Nixon’s prosecution of the war.
As the Watergate ungraded deepened successful 1973, Mr. Stevenson called connected Nixon to reply for the integrity of the country’s leaders. “All of america — Republicans and Democrats — person an involvement successful clearing the record,” helium said a twelvemonth earlier Nixon resigned successful disgrace. “The religion of the radical successful their strategy and their leaders — a religion that has already been shaken capable — is astatine stake.”
After serving retired the remaining 4 years of Mr. Dirksen’s unexpired term, Mr. Stevenson was re-elected by a landslide successful 1974 to a afloat six-year term.
Talk of a Stevenson tally for the presidency successful 1976 soon began, fueled by Mayor Daley, who resented the senator’s wide reforms but who knew a vote-getter erstwhile helium saw one. The legislator declined to campaign, but arsenic the nominating process got underway, Daley forces ran him arsenic a favourite lad candidate.
When erstwhile Gov. Jimmy Carter of Georgia locked up the information earlier the 1976 Democratic National Convention, successful New York, Mr. Stevenson threw successful the towel. Mr. Carter went connected to decision the Republican incumbent, Gerald R. Ford.
But with the Carter presidency struggling with soaring ostentation and aboriginal the protracted Iranian hostage crisis, Mr. Stevenson, successful 1979, toyed again with seeking the Democratic nomination, successful 1980, saying helium was disappointed with Mr. Carter’s show and by the caliber of the president’s imaginable Democratic challengers. He decided not to tally for a 3rd Senate term, clearing the mode for a campaign.
But the effort fizzled. He taped tv spots to speech astir issues and said helium would beryllium unfastened to a draft. But helium refused to participate the Democratic primaries.
“It’s not the benignant of contention I could win,” helium told United Press International months earlier the primaries began. “The chemistry is each wrong, down to and including the cosmetics. It conscionable doesn’t fit.”
It was a singular concession, not lone due to the fact that it virtually ruled retired his ain statesmanlike possibilities, but besides due to the fact that of its dead-on self-assessment: The lad was not the father, and ne'er would be.
They resembled each other, however: gangly and elegant, with the aerial of aristocrats lasting supra the governmental fray. Both were balding and metaphorical eggheads with Harvard Law degrees.
But the lad could not replicate the charm of a statesmanlike hopeful famously pictured with a spread successful his shoe, nor anticipation to lucifer his father’s soaring rhetoric astatine the Democratic Convention successful Chicago successful 1952, erstwhile helium asked Americans for “sacrifice, patience, understanding,” oregon his father’s electrifying the satellite successful 1962 erstwhile helium rebuked the Soviet Union astatine the United Nations during the Cuban rocket crisis, accusing it of threatening humanity with thermonuclear catastrophe.
Mr. Stevenson near the Senate successful 1981, conscionable arsenic Mr. Carter was vacating the White House aft Ronald Reagan had denied him re-election. But Mr. Stevenson had 2 last-hurrahs: runs for politician of Illinois against an entrenched Republican, James R. Thompson, whose 4 consecutive presumption made him the state’s longest-serving governor.
In 1982, Mr. Stevenson mislaid to Mr. Thompson, who was known arsenic Big Jim, by 5,074 votes retired of 3.6 cardinal cast, making it the closest gubernatorial predetermination successful authorities history.
A 1986 rematch was expected to beryllium astir arsenic close. But successful the authorities Democratic primary, which Mr. Stevenson won easily, his summons was hamstrung erstwhile 2 supporters of the far-right ideologue, Lyndon H. LaRouche Jr., won the party’s nominations for lieutenant politician and caput of state. Rejecting what helium called their “neo-Nazi” platform, which favored AIDS investigating for each Americans, Mr. Stevenson refused to look connected their ticket, organized the Solidarity Party and mislaid the predetermination to Mr. Thompson.
It ended his progressive governmental career.
Adlai Ewing Stevenson 3d was calved successful Chicago connected Oct. 10, 1930, the oldest of 3 sons of Adlai Ewing Stevenson 2d and the erstwhile Ellen Borden. Adlai and his brothers, Borden and John, grew up successful an intelligence home. Their parents spoke lone French astatine the meal table, and afterward their begetter work aloud to them from literate classics for an hr each evening. Getaways were sportfishing trips and visits to the household workplace astatine Libertyville, Ill.
Moving wherever their father’s governmental vocation took the family, Adlai 3d attended 5 people and preparatory schools, including nationalist schools successful Lake Forest, Ill., Harrow successful England, erstwhile his begetter worked determination with a United Nations group, and Milton Academy successful Massachusetts, from which helium graduated successful 1948. (Edward M. Kennedy, who was astir 16 months younger than Mr. Stevenson, was a schoolmate.)
After earning a bachelor’s grade successful authorities from Harvard successful 1952, helium joined the Marine Corps, attended Officer Candidate School and arrived successful Korea with a vessel portion conscionable aft the truce successful 1953. He mustered retired arsenic a archetypal lieutenant successful 1954.
In 1955, helium joined Nancy Anderson. They had 4 children: Adlai Ewing 4th, Lucy, Katherine and Warwick. He is survived by his wife; sons Adlai and Warwick, daughters Lucy and Katherine and astatine slightest 9 grandchildren, arsenic good arsenic his brothers John and Borden.
Mr. Stevenson graduated from Harvard Law School successful 1957, and aft serving arsenic a instrumentality clerk for an Illinois Supreme Court justness successful 1958, joined and aboriginal became a spouse successful a prestigious Chicago instrumentality firm, Mayer, Brown & Platt.
His governmental vocation began successful 1964. Elected to a spot successful the Illinois House of Representatives, helium sponsored 84 bills successful 2 years, including measures to power lobbying and conflicts of involvement successful government, a graduated authorities income taxation and recognition reforms. The Independent Voters of Illinois named him the house’s “best legislator.”
From 1967 to 1970, helium was the elected Illinois authorities treasurer. In what mightiness person been a regular post, helium eliminated unit patronage, withdrew authorities funds from banks that practiced radical oregon spiritual discrimination, and enactment wealth successful black-owned banks to concern tiny business, low-income lodging and municipality development.
After quitting progressive authorities successful 1986, Mr. Stevenson resumed practicing law, but successful the 1990s helium became president and president of SC&M Investment Management and aboriginal a co-founder of HuaMei Capital, some specializing successful fiscal transactions betwixt America and East Asia.
“The Stevensons: A Biography of an American Family,” by Jean H. Baker, appeared successful 1996.
In 2008, Mr. Stevenson published “The Black Book,” a history, begun arsenic a scrapbook, of 5 generations of his family. Besides the 3 Adlais, it covered his great-great grandfather, Jesse Fell, a patron of Abraham Lincoln, and his grandfather, Lewis Stevenson, the Illinois caput of state, who unsuccessfully sought the Democratic vice statesmanlike information successful 1928.
Mr. Stevenson, who lived successful Chicago, said successful a 2017 interrogation for this obituary that his household governmental dynasty was astir surely finished. His son, Adlai 4th, is simply a businessman and erstwhile media newsman successful Chicago. A grandson, Adlai 5th, calved successful 1994, is “a machine whiz,” his gramps said.
“Neither 1 has shown overmuch involvement successful politics,” helium added.
Jesus Jiménez contributed reporting.
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